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  • Ai Powered+ Volume 014: đź’¬ Meta’s open-source speech AI models support over 1,100 languages

Ai Powered+ Volume 014: 💬 Meta’s open-source speech AI models support over 1,100 languages

And 3 AI tools for real estate agents🏡

Read time: 3 minutes

Welcome to Ai Powered+! 🤖

Your go-to source for the latest and greatest in the world of AI 🦾.

As a group of AI enthusiasts, we're constantly on the lookout for innovative tools and technologies that can help businesses and individuals stay ahead of the curve. đź’Ş

What will you see today?

  • 🤖AI Prompt Tutorial: Real Estate Agent Marketing

  • 3 AI tools for real estate agents🏡 

  • AI-generated artwork🎨: Godzilla making chaos in california

  • 🗺️World News: Meta’s open-source speech AI models support over 1,100 languages

🤖AI Prompt Tutorial: Real Estate Agent Marketing

Curious about AI and want to learn about the many ways it can save you time and take your real estate business to the next level?

You’ve come to the right place. 🚀 

The Ai Powered+ team decided to give a prompt any real estate agent can use to get started with your marketing materials.

Prompt via ChatGPT:

I am a real estate agent and I want you to act as my real estate marketer. Please write a marketing campaign for a new real estate potential lead that inquired on my agent website. Please include a call script and corresponding email and text campaigns, over a 5 day period.

Here’s the result:

And, of course, you can make this as specific as you need to for your needs. But, it’s a pretty good starting point!🔥

3 AI tools for real estate agents🏡 

AI-generated artwork🎨: Godzilla making chaos in california

🗺️World News: Meta’s open-source speech AI models support over 1,100 languages

Advancements in machine learning and speech recognition technology have made information more accessible to people, particularly those who rely on voice to access information. However, the lack of labelled data for numerous languages poses a significant challenge in developing high-quality machine-learning models. In response to this problem, the Meta-led Massively Multilingual Speech (MMS) project has made remarkable strides in expanding language coverage and improving the performance of speech recognition and synthesis models.

Read the whole story right here →

That's it for this edition of Ai Powered+! 🤖 

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